Harper Lake

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Quilting Talk
A bunch of year ago, these old Harper womens were sitting around by the fire just a quilting away. They was taking pieces of old shirts and things and sewing them together to make a bed quilt for one of them's bed, doncha know? They got to talking about the great inventors and one old lady said she thought Eli Whitney were a great man 'cause of that cotton gin he come up with. She said without that they might not had no cloth to use to make their quilts with. The next old lady claimed Thomas A. Edison were the greatest inventor 'cause without the electrical light bulb they would be having to quilt by the light of the fire alone. The third old woman thought for a minute and emptied a little brown stuff from the can in her lap into that space between her lower lip and her lower teeth. She remarked, "I don't care what y'all say, that Levi Garrett warn't nobody's fool.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Tax Time
I remember when I used to fill my own tax information and just mail it in. Then I got into all the oil money and had to get somebody to help me. He's called a CPA. He's a nice man but he sure are particular 'bout how things is done. He wants me to keep records on what is called expenses and gets onto me just like my momma use to do when I didn't do all my homework and the teacher sent home a note. I told him I warn't too particular 'bout how much I had to pay. What I were interested in were how it were spent. Last week Dorothy brung home a little form what said to give money and they had little boxes on it to check where the money were to go. I think the government ought to put them little boxes on our tax forms. I would check a lot of them boxes, but a lot of 'em I wouldn't check at all.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I finally talked Dorothy into giving me a haircut. I ain't been to the barbershop in years. Been cutting my own hair, but it don't look as good as it used to when my hand were more steady like. The main reason I quit going to the barbershop were 'cause of all the talk. Peoples was always talking politics or religion or worse of all, about somebody who warn't there at the time. Ever now and then somebody told about a good time they had hunting or fishing. The last time I sat in a barber's chair, I was just settling down, getting comfortable, waiting for the hum of the clippers to give me the pleasure of a nap, when the barber, a guy named Weedmore, says to me, "You think Red China are going to destroy us." That were enough for me. Even today whenever I look on my face books page and see some political talk, right or left, I hit the hide button. My motto are: Think whatever you want to, but keep it to yourself.
The clippers I show on here was like the ones what was used on me when I were a little shaver. Now I got electrical ones for Dorothy to use on me.
The clippers I show on here was like the ones what was used on me when I were a little shaver. Now I got electrical ones for Dorothy to use on me.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Eggs What Are Brung by a Rabbit
Dorothy says sometimes I just think too hard. She says I should just accept somethings and not try to figure everything out. But this Easter egg thing kept on at me till I made a trip to the Harper Library to see what I could find out. It looks like the Easter egg are a symbol for the cold, hard tomb where Jesus were put and when it hatches it means the coming back to life and this repeats itself with more chickens and more eggs all the way to definity. Definity means there ain't no end to it. That makes sense. But what don't make sense is the eggs is boiled. They ain't going nowhere except in somebody's stomach. And here's what is real hard for me. They is supposed to be brung by a bunny rabbit. How did he hop into the picture? I know it's just a story, but Faith are hard enough to deal with without throwing in chickens, eggs, and bunnies. Now I reckon we has to ask: What came first the chicken, the egg, or the bunny?
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Things Ain't Always What They Seems
I were just walking through the living room of the big house and I seen this little chocolate bunny just sitting on the coffee table. I knowed Dorothy wouldn't want me to eat it 'cause it were set out for the kids to see when they come over for Easter. But them ears was just too tempting and I took a bite. It warn't made out of chocolate. It were some kinda light weight metal and I near 'bout broke out one of my teeth. (I still got all my natural teeth.) It kinda got me to thinking that things ain't always what they seems. Like them pictures of movie stars without makeup you can see when you checking out at the grocery store. I reckon it's a good idea to look a little deeper at things people say and even things you see with your own eyes before you take a big bite. If I had bit down on that little rabbit early in my life it may have saved me a lot of woes.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Face Books
Dorothy showed me something last night on her computer. She likes to fool around on that thing sometimes. The thing what she showed me were called face books and peoples put their pictures and all kind of stuff about themself and their families on it. Dorothy likes it and says she has caught up on what's going on with a lot of peoples she ain't seen or heard from in years. A lot of folks put on things about politics. Some are what they call left and and some is right. Dorothy tells me she knows a way to erase any of them, right or left. She says that ain't what it's for. A lot of peoples states their opinions on all kind of stuff. One thing I determined from reading a few of them comments is: It ain't necessary to know what you talking about in order to have a opinion.
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