Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Sunday, August 31, 2014


I didn't want to do it, but a few people asked me (more than once) to rerun my old posts. And Dorothy has been on me about the grammar I used (my story-telling voice) in the first few days of posting. So, for a while anyway, I will be cleaning up and reissuing some of those old tales.

Reruns on television are a topic of controversy, with a lot of people lined up against them. I don't mind myself. During a rerun, when you already know the outcome for the story, a fellow doesn't have to think a lot. A person can do what they call multitask. Like for instance, I can work a crossword puzzle or even balance Dorothy's checkbook (she's real good at English, but not so good at arithmetic.)

And when it comes to food, I am all in favor of reruns. To me for some reason, a second meal of soup or roast beef is down right tasty; picks up some deeper flavoring while sitting in the refrigerator, doncha know.

Anyhow, I am getting on with this thing and I hope people will enjoy or at least put up with my project. At least, if you have already read something, you may be able to catch up on your paperwork while rereading it on my blog.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Weekend in Harper (from 9-10-10)

Well, it's Saturday here in Harper. I reckon it is where you are too. Unless you're in Korea or one of them places over yonder. They are sometimes a day ahead. I know cause I served in the army over there.

 Now I'm gonna tell y'all more about Harper and me, Harvey Lee Whitmire, next week. But I can't do much more today. My friend, Willie Howe, is on his way to get started fishing. Willie is an Afro-American man and we been friends since we was kids. We decided a long time ago we wouldn't let all that agitation stuff that went on get between our friendship. And we didn't. I figure we both got a right to catch all the fish we can out of our lake.

 Willie and me been funning around all these years. Willie's been married to the same woman, Gladys, for over fifty years. They got eight children, all successful except Charles. He's a lawyer. Down in New Orleans. You can see him on TV most every day. Advertising. It's a shame he has to do that to keep in business. None of the lawyers around here have to do that and they all live in big houses.

Well, here's Willie. I got a feeling we gonna catch a mess of fish today. The air just feels right, don't you know. But even if we don't catch nothing we gonna have a good time. That's just the way me and Willie is.

Friday, August 29, 2014

How Harper Got Its Name (from 9-9-10)

This lake out here was named Harper after a Major Harper who come down here during the reconstruction days.  They named the town the same thing. This major made a big contribution to the town's population before he went back to one of them "I" states, think it was Illinois. They said he left more'n half a dozen kids behind when he had to go home to his family up north.

Now some of y'all probably wondering why they'd name the town and lake after a fellow like that. Well lots of 'em missed him. Said they wanted him to come back.

Sitting here on my bench in front of the bus station I can see Harper Lake glistening off to my left. They's a soft breeze coming off the lake and I'm whittling a tiny statue of my dog what died last year. His name was Waymon.

 All in all things is real good here in Harper.

I ain't much of a drawer, but this is kinda what Waymon looked like.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Little About Harper (from 9-8-10)

Harper is a little town in southwest Mississippi. No use looking it up. It ain't on no maps. Harper is right slam on a lake, Harper Lake, that was made by stopping up Lazy Creek. We got all kinds of fish in those waters. If you travel north on Main Street you'll run right into the lake. We got over six-hundred people living here. And that's enough. Now if some of the things I tell you about how great living here, make you want to visit us, that's okay. But don't get it in you head to move here. We got all we can stand.
Tomorrow I'll tell you how Harper got its name. You ain't gonna believe it.

This picture was taken from my back porch.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Today in Harper (first post)

At the request of some viewers I am reissuing most of my previous posts.

Greetings from Harper, Mississippi
It ain't too hot today. Better than yesterday and hopefully not as good as tomorrow. I'm on my way down to the bus station. Some of us sit out on the bench and whittle. I never know what I'm going to end up with.
Sometimes it's a dog, sometimes a car, and sometimes when I get distracted I end up with just a toothpick.
But that's okay. The whittling is better than the thing that gets whittled. This is my first time to post and thanks to the help of my great-nephew Hollis I am sending out word from Harper to you. Gotta run. My friend Bart is wanting to go the the bus station with me. Don't want to make him wait. More from Harper tomorrow or the next day or maybe next week.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Uncle Harvey Lee Talks Back (2)

"No, I will be the pattern of all patience; I will say nothing." - William Shakespeare
"From the look of the books on the Harper Library shelves, I would say he said a lot." - Harvey Lee Whitmire

“I want to live my life so that my nights are not full of regrets." - D.H. Lawrence
"I want to live my life so that my days are not full of regrets. The only person I have to face at night is my wife and she has a wonderful ability to ignore my faults and build up my assets." - Harvey Lee Whitmire

“Without courage, you cannot practice any of the other virtues." - Maya Angelou

"One of life's most important lessons is learning the difference in things that are courageous, simply daring, and blatantly stupid." - Harvey Lee Whitmire

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Uncle Harvey Lee Talks Back (No1)

Some people think too much. Some people don't think nearly enough. I'm shooting for the middle ground where I think hard enough to figure things out without getting confused.

Refdesk quote of the day: "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it." - Paulo Coelho
"Or not." - Harvey Lee Whitmire

Refdesk thought of the day: "Never memorize something that you can look up." - Albert Einstein
"Be sure you have memorized all the places where you can look things up." - Harvey Lee Whitmire