Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Korea and What it Done to Me

Sometime in 1951 the North Koreans marched down into South Korea. This warn't good.  Right after Christmas in I found myself called up and had to leave Bethel. We'd been married only a little while and was living in bliss. I reckon her and me made Bill just before I left because he was born about nine months later. When I left on a train to New Orleans, I could look out the window and see Bethel standing right in front of the depot. She warn't waving, but she smiled a big smile to let me know everything was gonna be okay. Of course I had no idea little Bill was growing inside her.
Well I come home in January of '53. War wounds. Warn't no bullets or nothing. My feet got frostbit and I was sent to a hospital in California to get over it. I was let out in March and come home to Harper and I ain't left since. Except necessary trips to close by cities to get a set of teeth or things we ain't got here in Harper. Well all that stuff with my feet, I guess, made me feel sorry for myself and I took to drink and other bad stuff. Tomorrow I'll tell you about my dark days of drinking and how it hurt my Bethel so much.

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