Sometime in 1951 the North Koreans marched down into South Korea. This warn't good. Right after Christmas in I found myself called up and had to leave Bethel. We'd been married only a little while and was living in bliss. I reckon her and me made Bill just before I left because he was born about nine months later. When I left on a train to New Orleans, I could look out the window and see Bethel standing right in front of the depot. She warn't waving, but she smiled a big smile to let me know everything was gonna be okay. Of course I had no idea little Bill was growing inside her.
Well I come home in January of '53. War wounds. Warn't no bullets or nothing. My feet got frostbit and I was sent to a hospital in California to get over it. I was let out in March and come home to Harper and I ain't left since. Except necessary trips to close by cities to get a set of teeth or things we ain't got here in Harper. Well all that stuff with my feet, I guess, made me feel sorry for myself and I took to drink and other bad stuff. Tomorrow I'll tell you about my dark days of drinking and how it hurt my Bethel so much.
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