Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The New Doreen

After Jack went off in that car he rented, Doreen wanted me to take her out in the boat, just the two of us. I figured she wanted to talk and I figured right. When we got out to the middle she started off just like Jack,
spouting all kind of stuff. She was sorry she hadn't treated me good all these years. She was sorry she had married those two no-good fellows, the gambler and the drunkard. She said she knew they was rotten but figured she could change them. Seems like I heard that story before. She had a new job and was making good helping to manage this gravel company where she lives. And she, I'll have to say, was as pretty as she used to be. She got rid of that black nail polish and that dark, dark lipstick. And her hair was all one color. Her dress was real pretty and not hippy-like which was what she wore before. And she was using good English. Better'n me of course, but I ain't got no reason to and she does. She is going to a Methodist Church right regular and sings in the choir. I reckon that's alright, but ever time I been to the Methodists all their songs sounded just alike to me. So as we was rowing in Doreen promised me she was going to do better and I believed her.
Tomorrow: Me and Lou Ann Have a Chat

Hollis' funny name of the day:
Rudy Wade King was caught off guard

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled to finally get a glimpse of Harper Lake. And Doreen better be careful what Methodist Church she's going to. Some of them are getting pretty far out there.
