Years ago I was walking down to the bus station. That's where I sit out front and whittle with my friends.
Well, this fellow pulls up besides me in this great, big car. He rolled the window down and air conditioning along with smoke from his big cigar slapped me in the face. His radio was playing real loud. In this booming yankee voice he asked me whar he could find Jasper Jackson. When I hesitated he told me he was here to help Jasper. "You see I'm in the war against poverty." I looked over his fine automobile and fancy suit and I told him I had no doubt he'd already won. Jasper Jackson and all his kids is just the kind of folks that does stand in line: the welfare line, food line, soup line; ever kind of line except the employment line. I hear'd one time they was in bad shape and in need of food. So I went over and asked Jasper if he was willing to plow a little space whar I were gonna plant me a garden. He said he didn't reckon he would have time to do that since he needed to stay at home in case opportunity knocked. I told him it just did and he said he was talking about a bigger opportunity. Then I asked him if any of his boys (he got six) would want to take on the job. He said he didn't reckon they could cause none of 'em could plant a straight line. I said warn't no problem with that cause my old mule knew what to do. All they had to do was say whoa at the end of the row. Jasper said they still couldn't do it cause the was all afraid of mules. Then I told him they was afraid of work too; all of 'em including Jasper.
Tomorrow: I Solve the Plowing Problem
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