Back in the 50's we had a weirwolf roaming around the woods and fields around Harper. This went on for several months and had about half the county running around in a panic. Peoples had several different descriptions of this wolf and he always showed up when there were a full moon. Some people said he were black with white patches under his chin and some said he were brown with black spots, but they all said his teeths were plentiful and probably about 3 inches long. Ever body said he would run up on them and snarl and roar. They all run off and left him standing there roaring. He never did bite or scratch nobody. Well this went on for close to a year and peoples were getting ready to do something. They all decided they would spread out over the county with shotguns and finish this creature off. And he stopped showing up until they figured he were gone and stopped looking for him. But he come back. The night he showed up again the moon were as bright as you ever seen it and the wolf come upon a group from Harper Lake Baptist Church just getting back from a church picnic. It were a mistake on part of the wolf cause in an amongst that group of Christians were Halo Harbinson. Halo had just come home from a couple of years playing football for one of them Canadian teams way up yonder. And when he seen the weir wolf standing there snarling, Halo taken it for an invitation and run head-on into Mr. Wolf like as if he were a tackling dummy. Pretty near killed him, the wolf that is. All the church peoples come up to the beast and seen his head were coming off. Halo reached down and pulled it the rest of the way off. And you know what. It were one of them Jackson boys. Woodrow Wilson Jackson. He had gone to New Orleans and bought his self a Halloween outfit. They called an ambulance and taken Woodrow Wilson to the Infirmary Hospital. He had to stay for about a month which the county or state or somebody had to pay for. Halo taken his wolf outfit and when W. W. (that's what they called him for short) come home he were there waiting for the ambulance at the Jackson house. Halo moved the attendant out of the way and pushed the wheelchair up to the front porch of the house. He were snarling all the way.
Tomorrow: Fishing with the New Catholic Priest
Hollis' book read in 2010 - Darkness at Noon - Three hearings and you're out
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