Me and Dorothy went on another cruise; this time in Hi-wa-ya. We went to a bunch of them islands. I reckon y'all know this whole place were made when under-the-sea volcanos erupted. It were a beautiful place but my favorite part were the memorial at Pearl Harbor where so many of our boys got killed by the Japanese air raid. I personally knew a couple of 'em: Old Lady Hardy's boy, Virgil and Mr. and Mrs. W W Jackson's oldest son, Leslie James. My cousin were at what they called Scofield Barracks which was also hit, but he made it through without a scratch. He remained there during the rest of the war and married an island girl. They come back and settled over in Natchez where he had his own carpenter business. The food over there were tolerable but I wouldn't want Dorothy to bring any of them recipes home. Y'all know I don't drink nothing no more since my days getting over Korea, but ever thing I ordered them peoples stuck a umbrella in it. I mean pineapple juice and such, don't ya know? Our next cruise were way over in Australia. I'll talk about that later on.
Did you try the Hi.wa.yan punch?