Some of y'all commented that not hardly nobody goes to the library for information no more. Well I do. We got a real nice little library in a room at Harper Lake Baptist Church. We don't get no government money to keep it up or nothing, so it's run on the honor system. You can take what you want to read and bring it back whenever you finish with it. And you can bring in any book you has read that warn't from the library too. This system have resulted in a growing library especially a week or so after Christmas. The books what I like to read are what I call information books. Ever now and then I will read a book of friction, but for the most part I like encyclopedias, almanacs, and old text books. When the library gets to be too full they put a bunch of the books on a table and encourage peoples to take some and don't bring 'em back. I reckon we got about the best library in the world.
I love that. Our little church here had a library but they took over the space for a classroom when they remodeled a few years ago :(