I been doing a lot of thinking lately. That's one of the reasons I ain't been talking on this blog thing too much. And one of the things I come up with is how fear are changed today from what it used to be. Back when I were a boy we was afraid to do bad stuff 'cause we feared God, the law, and making daddy mad and mama sad. Now today it looks like to me peoples aint too much afraid of God 'cause they don't believe in him like we use to. We used to leave church, after the preacher told us about going to hell and all, so scared it would last us till next Sunday, at least. And we was afraid of the law 'cause it were pretty certain if you broke it you was gonna get more than a wrist slapping. Today, peoples can get away with murder and they seems to does it all the time. Like in Florida and California. When it comes to making daddy mad that don't amount to too much 'cause daddy ain't around like he used to be. And mama's feelings don't seem to account for too much. I ain't saying I want to go back to doing ever thing just like we use to, but it would be nice if them scary movies was still scary and not funny like the young'ns look at 'em today.
Harper Lake

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Niagara Falls
We ain't heard from Leddie Sue in a long while, but today a letter come to her mama's old house. One of her cousins what picks up her mama's mails always shares what Leddie Sue has to say. She sends a picture from where she says she is and this one were from what they call Niagara Falls. That's in New York and also in Canada, if you can figure that one out. At least that's what the book in the Harper Library says. We still has some doubts that Leddie Sue is where she say she are. With today's techmology she could be anywheres and say she ain't where she is but where she says she is. Don't worry, I had to read that last sentence three times myself. On the back she wrote a little note; something about how if she were of a mind she could come down on somebody with all the force of them falls. We is all hoping these things what she writes is what is called a idle threat. Or is it idol thread, I ain't sure.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Snake River Canyon
Now it looks like Leddie Sue are in or around the state of Idaho. The picture what she mailed home were of the Snake River Canyon. On the back were her threat of the week were the words: You snake bit, boy.
As always, I went to library and read about this canyon. It were formated about 14,000 year ago when this lake flooded and done a quick release of waters what took off some of the land and made a deep canyon. Now it are a tourist area and has many golf courses. It looks like peoples will use any excuse they can come up with to build a golf course. I kinda agree with Wilbo Phillips who said anybody what would hit a little ball and spend all day chasing it around a pasture ought to be examined by a head doctor. But back to the Snake River Canyon. It are known today as the place where Evil Knieval tried to jump over in a rocket machine. That may be dumber than golf.
As always, I went to library and read about this canyon. It were formated about 14,000 year ago when this lake flooded and done a quick release of waters what took off some of the land and made a deep canyon. Now it are a tourist area and has many golf courses. It looks like peoples will use any excuse they can come up with to build a golf course. I kinda agree with Wilbo Phillips who said anybody what would hit a little ball and spend all day chasing it around a pasture ought to be examined by a head doctor. But back to the Snake River Canyon. It are known today as the place where Evil Knieval tried to jump over in a rocket machine. That may be dumber than golf.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
New Year Celebration
We celebrates New Year Eve here in Harper just like anybody else except we do it different. Around six o'clock in the evening we all sets our clocks up by three hours. That way we can welcome in twelve o'clock all at the same time and get a good night's sleep. So just before our clocks say its midnight we all go out to the edge of the lake on our own property--now we got peoples what live just about all the way around the lake--and get ready for the fireworks. We have to go out west of Harper to find a fireworks shed but we do that way earlier in the year and we is always all ready. The fireworks of choice is sky rockets and roman candles for the grown-ups and sparklers for the childrens. At around five minutes to nine (what our clocks say as twelve), Harmon Kelworth, chief of firefighting volunteers, sets off the town fire siren on the truck and we all commence to light fuses. It are a pretty sight and you can see it twice once in the air and once in the reflection of the lake. What they call lagniappe down in the bayou country. We was all settled in our beds by ten o'clock. Happy New Year to all y'all.
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