Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I been doing a lot of thinking lately. That's one of the reasons I ain't been talking on this blog thing too much. And one of the things I come up with is how fear are changed today from what it used to be. Back when I were a boy we was afraid to do bad stuff 'cause we feared God, the law, and making daddy mad and mama sad. Now today it looks like to me peoples aint too much afraid of God 'cause they don't believe in him like we use to. We used to leave church, after the preacher told us about going to hell and all, so scared it would last us till next Sunday, at least. And we was afraid of the law 'cause it were pretty certain if you broke it you was gonna get more than a wrist slapping. Today, peoples can get away with murder and they seems to does it all the time. Like in Florida and California. When it comes to making daddy mad that don't amount to too much 'cause daddy ain't around like he used to be. And mama's feelings don't seem to account for too much. I ain't saying I want to go back to doing ever thing just like we use to, but it would be nice if them scary movies was still scary and not funny like the young'ns look at 'em today.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are a very astute observer of mankind Harvey Lee. We are all fearful today. And maybe it's because we've taken God out and made our ownselves God. That would freak anybody out.
