Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ralph Sorensby, Batchelor

I were in the Harper Drug and Feed Store today and they had this man to come in what goes around to doctor's offices and talks them into using the drugs what his company makes. Wilmer Jr., the druggist, told me who he were after he left. While I were looking for a pair of glass to read with, I overheard Wilmer Jr.'s wife, Flomae, question him on why he were never married. He told her he would be more than happy to get married if he ever come up against a girl what were both a good cook and could do all the bookkeeping what his job required. He said he met this young woman over in Tilson what could cook about as good as his mamma, but she messed up his papers so bad he were getting calls from the home office. Then he were dating this girl from Mendersville who were a whiz at office work but she couldn't cook biscuits and grits worth a flip. Then he met a young lady from Holybrook what were excellent at both cooking and in the office. Flomae asked him why she wouldn't do and he said 'cause ever time he were around he just got so nervous.
Next I promise to get back to the four sisters.

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