Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Friday, April 19, 2013

Smoke Free Campus

You can count on Curtis Ray Ickleburg to come up with some funny stuff. He's the one with the hearing problem that gets a lot of things mixed up. Yesterday, down at the barbershop he was real upset about an article he read in the Harper Bee, our local newspaper, about one of the state universities being made a smoke free campus. He said, "Now, I smoked since I were twelve year old, but it ain't a good thing. You know they says it causes cancer. We was always told it would stunt your growth, but never nothing about cancer. Now peoples know better and they giving away free cigarettes to our young'ns what are trying to get educated and is the hope for our future. It just ain't right. I think they should charge more at colleges and not give 'em away." Somebody asked if they should just up the price on all cigarettes everywhere. and Curtis Ray said, "Naw, just at the schools. I can't afford to pay no more than I do now."

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