I ain't like Jaymond Spurs, that old retired mechanic that lives out in the county. He has said more than once, "Freedom of the press is the worse freedom we got." That ain't exactly what he means 'cause I don't think he feels all the other freedoms are bad too. He's just got this thing about our local paper, the Harper Bee. It's about the editor, Frankie Grunt; she's the problem. As she has aged Frankie has become more and more frank. It's like she was named properly, huh? Well Frankie has taken to describing things with a real graphic twist, like wrecks and how people died and such. Last week things hist a peak, when the stiff breeze of her writing turned into a tornado of the highest velocity. We had this baby born down at Harper General to an unwed mother.
Frankie's announcement:
Yesterday, down at Harper General, ****** ******* gave birth to a baby boy. Although several possibilities come to mind, the father remains unannounced. Mother and baby are doing well. The little bastard came in at 7 pounds 6 ounces and has a fair amount of red curly hair on his little head. The mother's hair is dark brown and the baby's hair color may be a clue for all of us. We're on the story.
Well, this got us going. This afternoon a bunch of us are going to crash in on the newspaper office and have a high scale intervention.
Tomorrow: The Intervention
Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
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