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Harper Lake

Friday, September 27, 2013
Bucket List
Today down at the barbershop the topic of conversation was bucket lists. People started telling about all the things they wanted to do and some were talking about the things they had accomplished on their lists. Wendell Wilkeshaw said he was through with his list because a lot of the things he wanted to do "real bad" turned out to be a lot less than he had hoped for. One thing in particular that had stuck in his craw was a trip to Nepal. He had wanted to go to that part of the world ever since he saw that movie Shangri-La and he and Edna, his wife, saved up for years to make the trip. When they got there the temperature was almost 100 degrees. The next four days it rained. They could only make out the mountains on the first day they were there and the airplane ride for a closer view was canceled due to weather. The food was a lot different from they were used to and they spent a lot of time in the "throne room" according to Wendell. Hardly anyone there could understand them, even the one who spoke English. Wendell said he got to the point where the thing "me and Edna was looking forward to most was sixteen hour in a cramped up seat on an air-conditioned airplane. Wendell said, "Y'all can keep on with your bucket lists if you want to but I would recommend you go down to the library and do a little research on everything you put on it. And don't depend on no movie whatever you do."
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Nepal's pretty far out of the way. Maybe a better "bucket list" item would be to write a book of short stories that makes it to the top of New York Times Best Seller List.