I talked to my cousin in Atlanta this morning. They are expecting a snow/ice storm over the next few days. I asked him if he was prepared. He said, "Almost." I reckon that means there are things that he either has left on his list or things that he will not be able to accomplish before the storm. He and his wife went to the grocery store yesterday and got comfort food for use during any confinement in their house. They collected all the flash lights, lanterns, and candles. They grouped together the batteries that were scattered in various drawers throughout the house. They made sure iPhone, iPad, computer, Kindle, etc were well charged. The cars were fill with gas and backed into the garage. Clothes were washed and dried. Soup was brought from the downstairs freezer to the upstairs refrigerator. Everything was in order except the two generators in the basement. Those devices have been begging for repair for the last ten years. I reckon they will get worked on sooner or later, probably later.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)
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