Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Still More on Catfish (adapted from Oct. 2010)

Like I was saying Grandpa and Millwood was out here on Harper Lake all those years ago when Grandpa's hook was taken up by this enormous fish. 

Me and Father O'Doole was fishing in Harper Lake just this morning. We been friends since my second wife liked for me to take her to mass every Sunday. After she got hit by a  streetcar in New Orleans and died, I still went to mass right regular, but I never was a full-fledged Catholic.
I mean I never learned all the different names they had for things or went to confession--something you supposed to do often if you are Catholic. Two of my kids remained Catholic. I don't know about the other one, Bill, 'cause he don't communicate with none of us. 

I read somewhere that Mark Twain said something like: Man is the only animal with the true religion; several of 'em. Well, we got several of 'em right here in Harper. And they all filled with good people. 

I reckon I would have stayed with the Catholics myself if it wasn't for Trixie, my third wife. She got me going to all those revivals with her and after we was divorced somehow I never got back to regular church worship. But I really do enjoy the company of Father O'Doole.

But I gotta get back to grandpa and Millwood. They was chasing down a big ole fish when they seen it was a catfish. Every so often they would get close enough for Millwood to hit it on the head with an oar. But nothing seemed to slow it down any. 

This get me thinking about how much catfish is served up these days. Every cafe in Harper County has it on the menu. My favorite is at Dorothy's Cafe. If you was her you could smell what's coming out of Dorothy's right this minute. She is cooking country fried steak. I know it because it's Wednesday and she had country fried steak every Wednesday. Of course, you can always get catfish if that's what you want. 

I think I'll have to finish up tomorrow I'm getting to be a little bit hungry. Ain't nobody makes country fried steak like Dorothy.

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