Now, I need to explain how we just missed having that murder happen somewhere else. You see, Dr. Mckinley were a Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat doctor. Mostly ears so we heard. When he come before the hospital board down in the next county, they turned him down for hospital staff. They said there was already a ear doctor and he didn't want no competition. Well, Dr. McKinley wasn't nobody's fool; he found they had two proctorcologists on staff and only one EENT, so he explained that since people had two ears and only one well, you-know-what, he ought to be accepted. Well, they bought it. I heard a fellow say that if that was the standard they used, then the hospital ought to have more'n a thousand proctorcologists since we had so many you-know-whats living in Harper County. Anyway, that's how Dr. McKinley come to live, and die, in our town.
We heard the doctor's wife got convicted. Got twelve years and was let out in four for good behavior. We figured she may have been let out for good looks.
Tomorrow: June McKinley's motive
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