The doctor's wife, like I said, was a real beauty. Her name was June and she was Miss Battle Creek and runner up for Miss Michigan, so we heard. Most of us young boys was in puppy love with her. We knew a lot about Battle Creek cause we all ate cereal and that's where we sent box tops for prizes. I once got an entire set of World War I soldiers with tanks and trucks and weapons and even one airplane. I think some of it is still in my old footlocker in the attic of the big house which is now closed up for the most part.
Well anyway we was standing there, Willie and me, and had sort edged closer to the house, when we seen the undertaker pull up. Him and his assistant took a stretcher inside and was in there a long time. About half an hour later here they come, both of 'em, and they was carrying a body, all covered in a white sheet.
Well, we was wondering whose body it was and nobody would tell us nothing. We wouldn't ask the sheriff and Silent Schultz warn't saying nothing.
Tomorrow: The Sheet Slips Up
Hollis' funny names:
Rick Shaw will take you for a ride
Hal O'Ween is spooky
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