I guess you can tell how much I like Wilkie and Betty Faye too. Wilkie is a good carpenter-electrician-plumber-mechanic-plower-mason. You'd have a hard time finding something that Wilkie can't do well. And he works full time at the filling station. And Betty Faye. Me and Betty Faye grew up together and she is just like a cousin or something to me. We went to school together. She finished high school I think and I went to the seven and a half grade. She was a great basketball player. Once she scored more'n a dozen points in the district playoff game. We woulda won cause Betty Faye captured the ball and headed for the enemy goal. She passed everybody on the other team, bouncing all around them and was gliding right up to the goal where she was about to make one of her famous lay ups, when she tripped over a root. She said she thought she woulda scored a lot more, but the wind was up that day and affected her long shots. She is a good canner too. Ever summer she puts up string beans, tomatoes, corn relish, and my favorite blackberry jam. Yep. Them's good people. Both of 'em.
Hollis' funny names:
Stan Byerman is a Tammy Wynette fan.
Eileen Dover is accommodating.
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