Looks like a lot of peoples what wrote books used to live in England. Me and Hollis and that girl went out together to look at their homes. We had been to some already out in England, but a whole bunch had houses in London. There was one section what had a bunch of places called Bloomsbury or something like that. I don't remember the names, but Hollis and that girl got a big kick out of looking 'em over. I think one of 'em was named David Copperfield, the same as that magic guy. They kept talking about David and where all he went around and about London. And one was named Oliver. And one that got me was Tom Elliot. They said he was born in St. Louis but come over here and stayed. I think he wrote a lot of poems. Y'all can probably tell I am in a struggle with today's post. I need to get them to learn me more about these peoples before I head into their houses and try to understand. Sorry folks. Tomorrow will be better. I promise.
Tomorrow: Dover
Hollis' funny name of the day:
Jay Walker gets a lot of tickets
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