I mean that porter fellow come back right after we was moving and told me if wanted to get breakfast I needed to come with him right then. We went into a cafe car with tables and he sat me down with this young couple who was already eating. I had done had breakfast before I left but I got me a cup of coffee and a biscuit with honey. The young couple I found out was just married and was on their way home from a honeymoon in New Orleans. We got to talking and they laughed at just about all I had to say. They stayed right there until I finished my coffee and biscuit. When I tried to pay for my food the porter told me that since I had that little room it was all paid for. I told the bride and groom goodbye and God Bless and went back to my little room. I read a little King James Bible and before I knowed it that porter guy come back and told me last call for lunch. That's what they called dinner. He sat me across from this Afro-American woman who worked in a school library in Washington DC. I got her laughing too and we had a real good time. I just got a ham and cheese sandwich with french fries and pie and ice cream. Then I went back and watched a movie on this tiny little TV thing in my room. I dosed off through a good piece of Alabama and woke up with Birmingham outside my window. And darned if that porter didn't come in and take me to dinner. That's what they call supper. He sat me across from this man and woman who come from Baltimore in Maryland. They didn't laugh at nothing I said. They just sat there. After they told me where they was from I don't think they said nothing else. I went back to my room and they announced we was coming close to Atlanta. I could see the lights and everything, but the train stopped and went and stopped and went for about a hour. I was worried because Hollis was waiting at the station. Warn't nothing I could do though.
Tomorrow: Arrival in Atlanta
Hollis' funny name of the day:
Clare DeRoom needs her privacy
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