(Click on pictures for a closer look at what we seeing.)
Out here in the West a lot of things is different and a lot of things ain't. One thing what surprised me a lot was what they had for breakfast at the place what we ate at. Grits. I has heard tell that you couldn't get grits when you warn't in the South. That ain't right. What is right, you can't get grits what is fit to eat. Fixing grits are a art and can't be taken up overnight. You gotta be taught by your mama or somebody like that. Now after I've said that I ain't gonna say no more bad stuff 'cause every thing else is good. They still got snow on the mountains and it's just as cool as you'd want it to be. They got this thing out here called altitudinal sickness what comes on you if you go up too high too fast. A lot of folks spend a night or two in Denver to get their body ready for the high altitude. We didn't and both is a little short of breath. They say it only lasts a few days. We are leaving tomorrow. Getting ready of Dorothy's great niece's wedding what takes place outsides in a hour or two. Supposed to be 61 degrees. All in all it's been a great trip.
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