The first six wonders we talked about was:
1. The Leaning Silo of Butter
2. The Hanging Garden of Brassfield
3. The Tall Light of Highhill
4. Jethro's Corn Maze
5. Kelly's Watermelon, Pumpkin, and Gourd Farm
6. Harley Creek Echo Cave
Today I am bringing you the seventh wonder, but it ain't no place. It's a person. Her name are Ella Pat Sorberough and she are a human computer. Back a few years ago there warn't no computers to speak of. I think they had big computers in real big colleges, but no private peoples had none. Even before that Ella Pat were a great source of information and she done it all on 3 x 5 cards. She had figured out this filing system for quick look up and could answer almost any question you gave her in just a few seconds. You could go to see her in person or you could call her on the phone. A lot of folks were a little afraid of her and would always call her. They just couldn't figure out how she knew so much and figured she must have witch like powers. Warn't so though. She were just as normal as ever body else here in Harper, just real organized. Now if you asked her something she didn't know she would find it out and make a card for it.
I ask her a lot of opera questions. I reckon I'm the only one around her what does that, but she have always had the answer. So the seventh wonder of Southwest Mississippi are: Ella Pat Soberough, the human computer.
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