Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Friday, August 12, 2011

I Ain't That Old Fashioned

I reckon y'all know I'm seventy-nine year old and y'all probably think I'm 100% old fashioned. Well that ain't so. I admit I would like a lot of things to be what they used to be. But most of them is things about how peoples treat one another, don't you know? But when it comes to keeping up with the modern world I ain't too far behind. A year or so ago, I had solar panels installed on the south side of the big house. And you know what? My power bill are usually zero and a lot of months I actually sell electricity back to the power company. I put a wood burning outdoor furnace in my back yard. It heats the whole house in the winter and heats my water all year round. Of course, I got all the wood I need right on my property. And I got a windmill down by the lake so when it's dark and stormy I got a good source of electricity. Haven't had to worry about the power going out since I got it.
Now I ain't saying all y'all need to do all this, but it wouldn't hurt to think about it.

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