Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pandonia's Box

I don't reckon a lot of y'all has heard of Pandonia's box. I ain't till Hollis told me about it. Seems like this woman, Pandonia, in old Greece or one of them countries had this box and she warn't supposed to open it under no circumstance. But she did. And in that box was all the troubles of the world. Things she hadn't even heard of started happening to her. I got a cousin what got real interested in our family history. And all that stuff what was locked up in a kind of Pandonia's box was let out for all us to know. Now we know about peoples in jail, leaving their family for bad womens, cattle rustling, and even one bank robbery. But you know what? The thing what hurt me most were about my great uncle Tulley Whitmire. It don't say in the papers I read anything bad he done, but it does day how he must have rubbed all the peoples around him the wrong way. Somebody wrote that on the day he died peoples of the county took to horseback and rode all over the countryside blowing trumpets, beating on washtubs, and scraping giant spoons down the ruffles of washboards. At his funeral the church choir sanged the Hallelujah Chorus over and over till some of 'em had to quit due to sore throats and broke up the group. It's just left to our imagination what all he done.

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