We ain't got no Jews living in Harper now. We used to. In fact there are a Jewish cemetery out on Woodlake Road and it is kept up by the women's group at one of the churches. Years ago before I were even borned there were several peoples what lived here what were of the Jewish faith and for some reason they all moved away over the years. The only one left what I remember were this little man named B. Stein. I never knew what the B. were for. Anyway there were no temple in Harper for him to go to. The only one were about thirty mile away. Well, him and my grandpa was friends and ever Saturday grandpa would pick up Mr. Stein what didn't have no car and probably couldn't drive and take him to worship in this other town. I remember this well. I also remember some old lady from grandpa's church jumping all over him for not trying to save Mr. Stein and for what she called abetting his misdirection. I don't remember grandpa saying a word. He just looked at her like he didn't know what the heck she were talking about. Grandpa were like that. He never needed no words to let you know what he were thinking. A stare was enough to set you off right.
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