Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Monday, December 31, 2012

What Being Funny's All About

Some peoples think I am funny, some don't. Some peoples laugh at me and some laugh with me. One good thing about being old is I don't care why they is laughing. Just the laughing are enough for me. We got this old fellow here in town what thinks he are the funniest man alive. And he does get a lot of peoples laughing at him. He will hear something on the TV and make up a funny story about it. Sometimes, but not a lot, he will come up with a good joke. He were joking last week about how he sent off for a parachute just in case he got sent off the physical clift. Now to me that ain't funny but I laughed anyway. Poor old fellow. One of his favorite things is when he hears somebody are off on a trip somewheres he will come up with something for them to try out while they is there. Like when me and Hollis and that girl went to England he recommended we try out English peas and London broil. He told his niece what were going to Highwaya to be sure and try out the Highwayan punch. The only funny one I liked where when he recommended to a friend what were off for San Francisco to try Rice-a-roni 'cause he said, "After all it are the San Francisco treat. The point are: ever body ain't gonna like mashed potatoes, but hardly nobody likes Brussels sprouts, but when somebody serves either one most peoples is gonna eat it.

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