Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Figuring Stuff Out

Yesterday, somebody suggested another diet plan for me. It says I can no longer eat a lot of the things I was eating because they were recommended by another plan, things I have grown to like: avocados, almonds, olive oil, etc. I can't eat meat or fish, the way they state it: nothing with a mother or a face. Ugh. The doctor that came up with this idea is well-respected and I am sure he knows what he is talking about. He has pictures of arteries, before and after, and the after shots are definitely better. My problem is the fact that over the years I have been exposed to hundreds of ways to make a fellow live a longer, healthier life. Reader's Digest, during my earlier years, was always sitting on the living room coffee table and almost every month they had an article on a cure for cancer. People have been trying to figure things like this out for years. And I reckon people are living longer and old folks do look younger than say my grandparents looked. I may go on this veggie diet, but I may not. My problem is that all these people who "eat healthy" still die. What I am trying to figure out is what kills them.

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