Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Living in the Past

Now I ain't saying everything used to be perfect, but I do miss some of the old ways. Like sitting on the porch at night talking with family and neighbors. And everybody sitting around the table together or gathered around the radio at night listening to Bob Hope or some of those people. I admit a lot of things are better and wouldn't want to adopt all the old ways.
We got this woman here in Harper, Prudence Goodwright, who tries to live in the past in everything she does. You can see her walking to the grocery store or drug store in her 1940's clothes with a parasol (I call 'em umbrellas) over her head to protect her delicate skin. I reckon she must have more than a dozen parasols 'cause every time you see her it seems she has different one. Her house is decorated the same as when she and her late husband moved in all those years ago. After he died she sold his car and has never bought another. They say she never learned how to drive. I saw her in the drug store the other day and she was getting them to order her Lydia E Pinkham Tonic and Carter's Little Liver Pills. I didn't even know those things still existed.
I certainly respect the old ways but change is nice in a lot of circumstances. I am sure thankful we don't have to take a dose of castor oil every Spring to wipe out all the winter toxins. That was not a good thing about the old days.

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