Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Harper Taxi and Ambulance Service

Hedgewood Littlewood have been running Harper Taxi and Ambulance Service since I were a little boy. He claims he's taken people home from the hospital on the day they was borned and taken the same peoples to the undertaker on the day they died. He has Polaroid pictures on the wall of his office of all the peoples he's hauled. In fact, he won't even let you into his cab until you let him take your picture. Some of the famous peoples he's hauled over the years is: Dizzy Dean, Gov. Ross Barnett, Doggett Giles (the human canonball,) Roy Acuff's granddaughter, a man what looked just like Winston Churchill, a woman he swears were Vanna White, and Dr. Claude Whitlow (the man what invented the see through oxygen tent.)
All them pictures is on his wall. Mine ain't there cause I ain't never rode in a cab in my life. I reckon I'll be up there one day, but it'll be when I can't grab his camera away from him and throw it into Harper Lake.

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