How Emma Jean turned out warn't good. Back then we didn't know nothing about co-dependent peoples. All we had for medical information were the Reader's Digest and they mostly just had stories about the latest cure for cancer. Now when I look back on it, that's what Emma Jean's mama were. She were co-dependent. She needed to be needed and what made Emma Jean need her mama were food; lots of food. It warn't too long till Emma Jean were getting big again. Her mama went a whole lot better than that Bible story, she killed the fatted calf ever day. Emma Jean come back to the church choir and she were something else. Peoples would actually come from miles around to hear her. Her style of singing had changed a lot because of her Blue Room days in New Orleans. All this went on for about five years until one day when they was having a all-day singing at the church. I reckon it were too much on poor Emma Jean's body. She keeled over right in the middle of singing a song named "Jerusalem" and were pronounced dead right in the choir loft. If there ever were a story of what-might-have-been this were that story. Her mama lived another twenty-five years. She warn't never known to overeat.
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