I reckon the radio helped us get through the war better'n most anything I can think of. I were not even a teenager and would come in ever night from working in the garden after school and listen to Baby Snooks, Amos and Andy, Bob Hope, or Gang Busters. And we got reports about the war from a man named Edward R Monroe, or something like that. He always started off, "Hello from London," told about what was going on, and signed off with, "Good night, and good luck." Grandpa always said, "Good luck to you, Eddie." Like the radio could hear what he was saying. Later on Edward R. were on the television and he were always smoking a cigarette (later on I learned it were a Camel.) And he died from lung cancer when he were pretty young too. It may've been him what kept me from smoking. You know what, I still got that old radio and ever now and then I tune in to WWL in New Orleans just to hear it talking to me.
Tomorrow: The War Gets Over
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