This morning there was a big discussion about the ads on TV during the football games. The one that most people hated was one with two guys sitting in a car at a fast food restaurant. They are irritating to say the least. One fellow said he was so turned off he would never eat there again. Somebody asked him the name of the restaurant and he had no idea. I reckon you could call a penalty on both sides there. He is mad but has no idea who he is mad at. One thing I have learned to do is tune out ads. I can shift my mind to something else and luckily return just in time for the program to resume. Apparently, from the disgust of my barbershop gang, many can't do this. They either flip to another channel or sit there and steam until the commercial is over. Call me optimistic but I look at these breaks as a wonderful time to run to the bathroom or replenish my coffee cup or sweet tea glass.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)
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