Marvin Melsch is a little under the weather. He was missing this morning down at the barbershop for our daily communication meeting. Marvin got this new cell phone for Christmas and his son helped him set up an app for what they call tweeting. I think it means he can type out what he wants to say and those of us who sign up for the same app can read it. Marvin sent word by One-buck Nelson, the guy who delivers for Harper Drugs, to let us know about his new device. His message included notification that a message from him to us was ready for us to read. The problem is nobody else has the program and only about half of us have cell phones. Later I got a call at home from Marvin. He told me he was disappointed that no one had responded to his messages. That's right he said messages (plural). It seems that a "tweet" can only be so many letters long and since Marvin had a lot to say, mostly about the ball game last night, he was forced into delivering a dozen or so messages. I told him about the lack of technology among our group and suggested he jot down his comments and when he was well we would give him the floor to deliver a complete presentation of his thoughts.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
One of the reviews:
. I give Tales of Harper 5 stars because the
stories and poems present images of a place and time that seem distant, like
our youth and innocence. These "Tales" moved me and gave me
opportunity to feel and think and appreciate not only beautiful, lyrical
writing but the ideas and experiences Mr. Wilkinson had. A simply fabulous
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