I got to thinking this morning when I heard people on the TV talking about the money we waste as a country. It occurred to me that if we wrote the way most people talk we could save a ton of money on paper, ink, and other printing supplies, not to mention time. Down here hardly anybody speaks a word that ends in "ing" by pronouncing the "g". We say runnin', drivin', swimmin' etc. Now the important thing is everybody understands what everybody is saying. I mean even people from up north that do pronounce the "g's". I mean even people from England understand. I ain't no economist or CPA so I wouldn't be able to figure out what the savings would be, but I figure is you consider all the newspapers, all the books, and all the magazines that are printed everyday and multiply that number by all the years you want to consider it might turn out to be a bunch of money. Then we can get to work on that "ph" thing people use instead of "f". And all the words that contain what they call silent letters. If we really got to work on this a lot of adjectives and adverbs could be eliminated too, just by choosing the right noun or verb to express what we want to say. Got to be runnin cause I got to go to the farmacy to colect my hart pils.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)
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