Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Sunday, December 5, 2010

An Australian La Boheme

I know a lot of people don't like opera and I am one of the few in Harper that listens to it. If any of y'all want to try it then La Boheme is the one you want to go to. I told y'all my daddy lived with an Italian family in New Orleans while he was working out in the Gulf of Mexico and they got him into opera. Everybody around here thought he was crazy but my daddy didn't care. That's just the way he was. Well one of the movies Hollis brought me was La Boheme filmed in that big opera house in Sydney. I ain't never seen a opera in person and this was the first movie I seen. It was real good. There warn't no fat ladies in it and the singing was real good. Like I told y'all I listened so much over the years till I know what note is coming next and these people didn't miss a note. They did move it up from 1850 to 1950. I usually don't like it when they mess with things like that, but this time it worked real good. If I ever had the chance to go to Australia, which I won't, the Sydney Opera is the thing I would plan my trip around. I wish y'all all would try this opera to see if you can stand it, but don't do it if you can't abide things with a sad ending.
Tomorrow: A Funny Thing That Happened in Harper

Hollis' funny name of the day:
Millie Pied is all feet

1 comment:

  1. I always break my friends and relatives in on Madame Butterfly. I think it's the easiest to listen to for folks who don't normally listen to opera. In fact, you can start them out on Miss Saigon and then switch them over.
