From what I was told it didn't take more'n five minutes for Harvey Lynn and his gang to load up and head out. That includes the little girl who tripped over the same root she hit coming in. Edna Agnes had to pick up the left over rice and gravy and the lime Jello-O with the chopped up celery and bananas. I can remember this cause I been hearing it for many years. Clara Susan and Mamma was first out the door and last to leave cause of all the loading up they had to do. Everyone else wanted out before their mamma so she wouldn't be onto them for partying around after she warn't there no more. Clara Susan reported to us that Florabelle didn't say nothing all the way home. She just sang church songs and even added her own words telling about how strong she was going to be in the face of all her troubles. Clara Susan said it warn't
no big deal to her since she been listening to this kind of stuff all her life and had decided not to let it creep up her no more.
Tomorrow: May Margaret Finds a Silver Lining
Hollis' funny name of the day:
Tiny Gaines isn't making much progress
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