Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Funny Thing That Happened in Harper

I ain't forgot about Oprah and her trip to Australia, but things is still going on in Harper. That trip ain't gonna affect us one bit. I wanted to tell y'all about something that happened down at the Social Needs Office which is 3 doors down from the hardware store. Mildred Swarms is the lady down there that says who gets help and who don't. Her and Frances McGruder, a good Baptist, was discussing the Christmas gift collection. Mildred in a Methodist. About that time this woman from out in the country come in. She had a stomach that stuck out like a big knot on a little log. I don't know the woman's name, the one that was with child, but Frances told me all about it. Well this mother-to-be was looking for money to help to get her through her expecting time. Mildred, trying to find out if she could get help from other sources, asked her who the father was. And she said it ain't got no father. Well, Frances said Mildred jumped up, knocked her chair over, and pushed pass them on her way to the front window. The young woman asked what was wrong and Mildred said she was just looking for the star, and the shepherd, and the wise men. She said she was particularly excited because this was the second time this had happened. You can't push too much past Mildred.
Tomorrow: More Goings-on Around Harper

Hollis' funny name of the day:
Al K. Hall is a drunk

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