Clara Susan told Hollis that when things settled down a little bit, after the T-shirts was handed out, she started fiddling around in her coat pocket. She found the ring she was hiding there and put it on the right finger. I've got one more present to show you she said and she held up her hand for all to see. May Margaret said well, who in the world is he. A guy I met at LSU said Clara Susan. He's from New York. Florabelle reached for her oxygen mask, put it on, and breathed real deep. A yankee? Oh, my Lord, a damn yankee. Esther Agnes said that was alright as long as he warn't Catholic. They ain't yet got over me going to that church all those years ago. Clara Susan looked them all directly in their eyes. He is. He is a very devout Catholic. The four other women in the room began to sniffle. Florabelle stood, unhooked her air supply and held her walker real firm like. She said I want to go home right now. I need to go to bed and I may never get out of it. That's what you done to me. You selfish, selfish girl. Cleveron chimed in, well at least he come down here to school.
Shut up, Cleveron said May Margaret.
Tomorrow: A Speedy Departure
Hollis' funny word of the day:
Nick O'Teen smokes like an Irish chimney
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