The lawyer were in the hospital for over a week. They said he were in a one car accident. When he come out he looked more like he were in a five car accident. He were black and blue with little patches of orange and yellow. He never went back to his office. I heard he got his Louisiana license and were practicing down yonder close to the Texas border. His wife went with him and I reckon she is still staying close to home while he practices the Louisiana kind of law (it's different you know.) The secretary and her husband packed up and moved to the outskirts of New Orleans. We never heard much from her, but somebody I know claimed she lived close to a streetcar line and they seen her catching the car for downtown. Another person claimed they used to see her sitting in bars in the French Quarter, all by herself, drinking alone. I reckon both of them learned their lessons, but I never were sure.
Hollis' book of the day:
Persuasion by Jane Austin - It's best to think for yourself especially when it comes to love.
Harper Lake

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
A Piece of Shirt
I gotta admit I'm a little upset today. Dorothy didn't open the cafe until way after 9AM. Royal wedding.
Well enough of that.
Like I was saying this deacon/lawyer and his secretary drove out to the state park one night. Her truck driver husband and a couple of his friends was waiting for them. They yanked the lawyer out of the car and put a whooping on him using baseball bats and ax handles. They tore off all his clothes and threw them into the back of their truck and drove off with the secretary. They left the lawyer there naked as a jaybird. Luckily, he found a piece of his shirt and hid his self in it while he walked to the first house he come to, just outside the park. I reckon he ducked into the woods when cars passed. The peoples what lived in the house took him in, loaned him clothes, and drove him to the hospital. We never found out who these peoples was 'cause they never said nothing about it.
Tomorrow: Aftermath
Hollis' book of the day:
Sophie's Choice by William Styron - Too troubling to make light of
Well enough of that.
Like I was saying this deacon/lawyer and his secretary drove out to the state park one night. Her truck driver husband and a couple of his friends was waiting for them. They yanked the lawyer out of the car and put a whooping on him using baseball bats and ax handles. They tore off all his clothes and threw them into the back of their truck and drove off with the secretary. They left the lawyer there naked as a jaybird. Luckily, he found a piece of his shirt and hid his self in it while he walked to the first house he come to, just outside the park. I reckon he ducked into the woods when cars passed. The peoples what lived in the house took him in, loaned him clothes, and drove him to the hospital. We never found out who these peoples was 'cause they never said nothing about it.
Tomorrow: Aftermath
Hollis' book of the day:
Sophie's Choice by William Styron - Too troubling to make light of
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Submarine Races
This lawyer what was also a deacon just couldn't help his self I reckon, so him and his secretary got to fooling around together. Later on she confessed they went to New Orleans and spent the night in a French Quarter hotel a bunch of times. This were when her husband were driving across the country and the lawyer were supposed to be handling a case in Louisiana. I reckon they coulda kept it up except she bragged to one of her friends about eating in fancy restaurants and showed off some jewelry he give her. That's about all it takes around here to get a story going (just telling one person) and before you knowed it word got back to the secretary's truck driver husband. From what we heard he didn't say nothing right off, but found out they (the lawyer and secretary) was going out to the state park where the high school kids went at night to watch the submarine races. Well the truck driver and two of his friends got in his truck and loaded with baseball bats and ax handles, rode out to the park, and backed the truck into the woods and waited.
Tomorrow: A Piece of Shirt
Hollis' book of the day:
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller - Some people are just plain creeps, but not everybody tells about it.
Tomorrow: A Piece of Shirt
Hollis' book of the day:
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller - Some people are just plain creeps, but not everybody tells about it.
Reminder: Mississippi in the Park - Chastain Park - Atlanta - Saturday, June 25 - 10:30AM to 3:30PM Check it out
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Too Hot to Ignore
This lawyer's secretary I've been talking about were real friendly like with just about all mens she run into. I reckon she were like that with her lawyer boss too 'cause peoples started talking. Of course peoples around here talks even when there ain't nothing to talk about. So most of us didn't take no stock in what they was saying. Things might have been all right if the secretary warn't married. She were married to a truck driver and he were out of town a lot. There was reports of her boss' car parked in front of her house at all hours of the night. They could have been working on a case, but they warn't. Later on after the storm were over they said she said she couldn't help it. She had been borned real sexy like and there warn't nothing she could do about it.
Tomorrow: Submarine Races
Hollis' book of the day:
Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry - Drinking your way into darkness.
Tomorrow: Submarine Races
Hollis' book of the day:
Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry - Drinking your way into darkness.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Now I've know lots of good church peoples in my life at Harper 'cause almost ever body goes to one church or another. But ever now and then some of the good peoples goes bad; some peoples calls it backsliding. Well that's what happen to a good deacon back in the fifties. I ain't gonna tell his name or which church he went to. Wouldn't do no good, but I will tell you his story. He were a lawyer and him and his wife was upstanding members of the community except nobody ever seen much of her. She were a stay-at-home church member what listened on the radio. But she did write out and sign the checks for their tithe and she were always sending food to the needy. She were a good woman and he were to; up until his downward plunge. He lived in Harper but his office were in the next county. One thing we always noticed were how good looking his secretary were. She looked like a undiscovered movie star. I reckon all this were ingredients for a spicy hot stew. Successful lawyer, good looking secretary, and stay-in-the-house wife. Tomorrow I'll get lift the lid on the stew so you can peek in.
Hollis' book of the day:
Women in Love by D. H. Lawrence - Love is a long walk in the snow.
Hollis' book of the day:
Women in Love by D. H. Lawrence - Love is a long walk in the snow.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter Sunday
I got a surprise on Sunday. Doreen drove over and spent the day with us. Dorothy had cooked a ham and had her special potato salad to go with it. We had a bunch of vegetables and for dessert a carrot cake. It were all good. It was especially good to have Doreen come over. After a rough start she is turning out okay. Jack sent a card and said he were sorry he couldn't make the trip over from California. I didn't hear a word for Bill. Didn't expect to. My cousin in Atlanta sent over a picture of his little granddaughter peeking through the window at a bunny. I reckon he couldn't leave his cell phone inside until Easter were over. That's big city folks for you. Tomorrow I hope to tell about this deacon back in the fifties what got into a lot of woman trouble.
Hollis' book of the day:
Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Anyone who sees a psychiatrist ought to have her head examined.
Hollis' book of the day:
Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Anyone who sees a psychiatrist ought to have her head examined.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
Happy Easter from all us in Harper. Have a wonderful day and be mindful of the true meaning of Easter.
More Harper stories tomorrow.
More Harper stories tomorrow.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Easter Weekend
Things is quiet around Harper this weekend. It's like that at Easter time. Easter is a more reverent holiday than Christmas. I reckon peoples is always more happy for a birth than for a death except this death is what we all believes gives us life, if we choose it. Anyway Willie asked me to come of to his house because ever one of his children was there. Now I like all of Willie's children and of course Willie loves 'em all equal, but if I had to pick one I liked least it would be Charles, the fancy lawyer from New Orleans. He come driving up in his Porche trying to impress ever body. It ain't gonna work here in Harper 'cause ever body thinks it's a Volkswagen. Even I did too till Hollis told me it costs about five time as much as a VW. But like I said I don't dislike Charles. I just like him a smidgen less than the other children.
Hollis' book of the day:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - Just one co-inky-dink after another.
Hollis' book of the day:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - Just one co-inky-dink after another.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Church Group Cleans Up Jackson's Property
Reminder: Mississippi in the Park - Chastain Park - Atlanta - Saturday, June 25 - 10:30AM to 3:30PM Check it out
Jasper Jackson got his wish. A church group from out in the county felt sorry for him and sent in a group of mens to clean up his property. They had a little prayer meeting before hand and Jasper prayed a prayer of thanksgiving for all the wonderful mens what come to his rescue. I were there and seen it all but I didn't say nothing. Didn't figure it would do no good. And the more I thought about it I reckon ever body come our okay. Jasper got his property clean and the church group got to help a poor, needy citizen. The problem I got with all this is they has made Jasper and his boys plumb dependent on them. If they warn't around I don't reckon them trees would ever get sawed up. They even gave him the firewood. I reckon he'll call 'em up to bring it in the house when the fireplace load runs low.
Hollis' book of the day:
Native Son by Richard Wright (born only a few miles from Harper) - Winter is not a good
time to commit murder in Chicago.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Jasper Jackson's Trees
I come by Jasper Jackson's house this morning on my way to town to get one of my saws what were getting worked on. I seen trees across Jasper's drive and stopped my truck and walked up the drive to where Jasper's house is. I ain't all that far but I did have to climb over 3 or 4 downed trees. Jasper and them boys was sitting on the front porch. They was talking about how bad things was for them. I offered them the use of a saw or two to help 'em out of their troubles. I told them one the boys could ride in with me and they could use the saw what I just got fixed. Jasper said he didn't reckon he'd take me up on that deal. He said last time they had trees down some folks from the county come in an sawed 'em up for them. He figured if he didn't take advantage of that service it would be lost forever. He said he reckoned they may see they warn't needed any more and could quit those kinda projects. He said he just wouldn't feel right refusing their good intentions. I reckon he's right, besides think of all the flies that would be spared if he warn't sitting on his porch with his swatter; flies what would multiply and produce more flies than we could handle. I reckon Jasper does have some use.
Hollis' book of the day:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey - Shocking, shocking.
Reminder: Mississippi in the Park - Chastain Park - Atlanta - Saturday, June 25 - 10:30AM to 3:30PM Check it out
Hollis' book of the day:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey - Shocking, shocking.
Reminder: Mississippi in the Park - Chastain Park - Atlanta - Saturday, June 25 - 10:30AM to 3:30PM Check it out
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Still Cleaning Up
Reminder: Mississippi in the Park - Chastain Park - Atlanta - Saturday, June 25 - 10:30AM to 3:30PM Check it out
Usually this time of year in Harper what y'all would hear is lawn mowers. They's always a lawn mower going around the big house until late October. Now what's drowning out the mowers is them chain saws. We gonna have enough wood for fireplaces for more'n one winter, that's for sure. I been out cutting all morning. Ever body around here owns a saw of some sort. Sears done good when they got hold of the peoples in this county cause we got a bunch of their tools. We need these to fight all the problems we got, from storms to car troubles. Y'all check out that Mississippi in the Park, even if you ain't gonna go.
Hollis' book of the day:
My Reading Life by Pat Conroy - Authors are people too, only a little more on the weird side. Check it out
Usually this time of year in Harper what y'all would hear is lawn mowers. They's always a lawn mower going around the big house until late October. Now what's drowning out the mowers is them chain saws. We gonna have enough wood for fireplaces for more'n one winter, that's for sure. I been out cutting all morning. Ever body around here owns a saw of some sort. Sears done good when they got hold of the peoples in this county cause we got a bunch of their tools. We need these to fight all the problems we got, from storms to car troubles. Y'all check out that Mississippi in the Park, even if you ain't gonna go.
Hollis' book of the day:
My Reading Life by Pat Conroy - Authors are people too, only a little more on the weird side.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Mississippi in the Park
My cousin in Atlanta called me today and wants me and Hollis to come over there on the weekend of June 25 for what they's calling Mississippi in the Park (Chastain Park.) I reckon we'll go. It's a bunch of the colleges in Mississippi giving it. I never did get past grade 7 and 1/2, but my boys both went to college in Mississippi and I think I'll have some fun. Hollis can drive good over there, but I wouldn't even try to hold a car on them busy roads they got. My cousin is younger than me but he ain't no spring chicken. Still he's volunteered to help out. He wants me to send a donation and I reckon I will. I've got to do something with my oil money. If any of you wants to donate, Hollis will type in the place to find out all about it while he's typing out what I got to say. Hope some of y'all can go or at least send them some money. They gonna be using it for a scholarship.
FYI: Look it up.
Today's book read by Hollis:
Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee - Old men fooling around with young girls is never a good idea.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Cleaning Up After the Storm
We is so lucky. Peoples in Clinton and Leakesville was hit hard so I don't want to pull on y'all's sympathy too much. We has been working hard sawing and raking and burning all the fallen limbs and leaves. Tomorrow I will try and post some pictures of what happened here, but can't today. Hollis will explain.
Note from Hollis: I started an initial online backup for my Mac this afternoon. It will probably take all night to complete. This slows down such things as adding pictures etc. I hope to have everything worked out for tomorrow's post. No "book read" for today.
Note from Hollis: I started an initial online backup for my Mac this afternoon. It will probably take all night to complete. This slows down such things as adding pictures etc. I hope to have everything worked out for tomorrow's post. No "book read" for today.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
More Crawfish
Like I said crawfish etouffee is my favorite dish made out of crawfish. Dorothy makes it all different ways but the picture above is one of her best. Besides etouffee she makes crawfish stew, crawfish soup, crawfish po-boys, crawfish stuffed flounder (and other fishes,) crawfish and shrimp over spaghetti, and just plain crawfish (pinch the tails and suck.) It ain't like we eat crawfish ever day but we eat 'em when we wants to, they so plentious.
Tomorrow: Cleaning Up After the Storm
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Kim by Rudyard Kippling - Super Boy in India
Tomorrow: Cleaning Up After the Storm
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Kim by Rudyard Kippling - Super Boy in India
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Crawfish Dishes
Today I were gonna talk about crawfish dishes and I will a little bit, but something else come up. What come up were a big storm. Last night I was sitting in the big house just finishing up supper when this wind come up. It only lasted about three minutes but it left behind a bunch of damage. Right here on my lake front there was four trees what got knocked down and all over the place green leaves and twigs and limbs laid on the ground. Leaves was stuck all over the sides of houses. It were almost pretty. Almost. Today we is cleaning up.
Dorothy has a bunch of good crawfish dishes she makes. My favorite is crawfish etouffee. It's a french name but it's still good. I asked her for the recipe but she don't keep no wrote down recipes; she just makes it up as she goes along. Always turns out good though.
Tomorrow: More Crawfish
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Help by Kathryn Stockett - You'll never eat chocolate pie again.
Dorothy has a bunch of good crawfish dishes she makes. My favorite is crawfish etouffee. It's a french name but it's still good. I asked her for the recipe but she don't keep no wrote down recipes; she just makes it up as she goes along. Always turns out good though.
Tomorrow: More Crawfish
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Help by Kathryn Stockett - You'll never eat chocolate pie again.
Friday, April 15, 2011
A TV Personality
We had a TV person what moved here a few years ago. He come from Louisiana and his show were about cooking. Dorothy always watched him and I liked a lot of the cajun jokes he told. Dorothy taken some of his recipes and served them in her cafe. They was mostly crawfish dishes.
Me and Willie is good at trapping crawfish. There is two important things to remember: know where they is and know what they likes to eat. As far as the first part we been catching bunches of crawfish at the same half a dozen places for years. And the bait has to be right. Don't even think about using catfish, beef, or chicken. They ain't gonna go for that. Use oily fish like salmon, cod, and shad. Their heads is good, but they need to be fresh or at least frozen until you are ready. We put our catch in a 10 gallon drum and when that is full we get another. Some days we may bring home six or seven drums.
Them things is live in there and you gotta use gloves to fool with 'em. They need to be live when you drop them in the boiling water. Ugh.
Tomorrow: Crawfish Dishes
Hollis' book read in 2010:
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf - If you're wondering what a character based novel is....
Me and Willie is good at trapping crawfish. There is two important things to remember: know where they is and know what they likes to eat. As far as the first part we been catching bunches of crawfish at the same half a dozen places for years. And the bait has to be right. Don't even think about using catfish, beef, or chicken. They ain't gonna go for that. Use oily fish like salmon, cod, and shad. Their heads is good, but they need to be fresh or at least frozen until you are ready. We put our catch in a 10 gallon drum and when that is full we get another. Some days we may bring home six or seven drums.
Them things is live in there and you gotta use gloves to fool with 'em. They need to be live when you drop them in the boiling water. Ugh.
Tomorrow: Crawfish Dishes
Hollis' book read in 2010:
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf - If you're wondering what a character based novel is....
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Trip to Jackson
Lester, Willie's son, the one what's real smart, called me last night and asked me if I would ride with him to Jackson. Lester is way up in the highway department and had to go up there on business; something about getting a old couple to sell a little piece of their property for a highway to go through it. They didn't want none of that. Lester is usually real good at getting peoples to see things his way, but this time his charms didn't work. While we was up there we ate at a real good country cooking place Lester knows about and then he taken me to the town of Pearl and a fishing and hunting store I love to visit. He were real patient with me cause he ain't into all this as much as me and his daddy is. I didn't buy nothing just looked around a lot. Ever time I get close to Jackson I come here and hang out with all the outdoor stuff.
Tomorrow: A TV Personality
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga - Irreverent novel about a man from India who is a servant, philosopher, entrepreneur, and murderer. Yeah you read it right.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Update on Dorothy's Mama
I hope y'all ain't getting tired of me reporting on Dorothy's mama's health. I don't reckon you could call what she's got as health. She ain't got no health. What she's got is no health. She's just lying there in the bed all tubed up, with bags of salted water dripping into her veins. The oxygen she breathes comes through a jar of water so it won't dry her out too much. When we went by yesterday we brung her flowers. She didn't know it though; she didn't even know we was there. I told Dorothy what were the point and she said because she's my mama. You know she's right. That old woman done so much for Dorothy bringing her up and all. She done a whole bunch for me too. But what she done most for me was make Dorothy what she is, a real good woman. I hope the best for Dorothy's mama, but I don't reckon the best is gonna be any too good.
Tomorrow: A Trip to Jackson
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Death Comes for the Archbishop - Guys keep reading, Kit Carson's in there.
Tomorrow: A Trip to Jackson
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Death Comes for the Archbishop - Guys keep reading, Kit Carson's in there.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Stump Burning Party
Grandma Biddy gave out the word in church that she were having a stump burning party at her place Saturday. Me and Willie got word of it and went. It were told it were to be a BYODF, BYOFD party. That's bring your own diesel fuel party and bring your own food and drink party. Me and Willie is burned our share of stumps and knew we had to bring our own shovel too. To burn a stump right you got to keep digging around it so the air can keep the flames going. Ever body had their own favorite way to burn a stump, but me and Willie always go for the tried and true. Dorothy packed us a good lunch and them others, when they seen what we was eating, was standing around staring at us real jealous like. One of the reasons I go to stump burnings (besides helping the property owner) is to hear the stories peoples tell. Over the next few weeks I'm gonna tell you some.
Tomorrow: Update on Dorothy's Mama
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Writing Class by Jincy Willett - Murder mystery; could have been anybody until the very last chapter.
Tomorrow: Update on Dorothy's Mama
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Writing Class by Jincy Willett - Murder mystery; could have been anybody until the very last chapter.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Peace at Last
Legion died in 1949. The doctors said it didn't have nothing to do with his fried brain. They said he were run down by all his crying spells before he ever come to live with them. None of us believed them though.
Silas were younger than me, but we lived close to one another and walked home together a lot. He talked about his uncle all the time and told me he (Silas) had finally worked it all out in his own head. He figured why his uncle were so tore up were because he had a lot farther to fall than most of us. After all, he were a football and baseball hero (both high school and college) and he were the most good looking fellow we'd ever seen in our county. He were a war hero too. We found out a lot about that after he passed on and peoples from the army come to the funeral with all kinda stories and medals. So you see when he come back to the place where he were king of it all and the throne (in his mind) had been jerked right from under him he broke down. Silas said his uncle actually believed that (like the Bible story) he had demons stored up inside his body. But Silas said he (Silas) were happy because he really believed that all them devils left Legion, carried away from his dead body by the last breath he put out. I asked Silas what about them pigs, but he said he didn't know nothing about that but would think on it. Me and Silas could figure out most anything.
Tomorrow: Stump Burning Party
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Oil by Upton Sinclair - The movie There Will Be Blood was loosely based on this book. And I do mean
Silas were younger than me, but we lived close to one another and walked home together a lot. He talked about his uncle all the time and told me he (Silas) had finally worked it all out in his own head. He figured why his uncle were so tore up were because he had a lot farther to fall than most of us. After all, he were a football and baseball hero (both high school and college) and he were the most good looking fellow we'd ever seen in our county. He were a war hero too. We found out a lot about that after he passed on and peoples from the army come to the funeral with all kinda stories and medals. So you see when he come back to the place where he were king of it all and the throne (in his mind) had been jerked right from under him he broke down. Silas said his uncle actually believed that (like the Bible story) he had demons stored up inside his body. But Silas said he (Silas) were happy because he really believed that all them devils left Legion, carried away from his dead body by the last breath he put out. I asked Silas what about them pigs, but he said he didn't know nothing about that but would think on it. Me and Silas could figure out most anything.
Tomorrow: Stump Burning Party
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Oil by Upton Sinclair - The movie There Will Be Blood was loosely based on this book. And I do mean
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Big Bolt of Lightning
Silas and me talked a lot about his Uncle Legion during the years he were in the insane asylum. Neither one of us had no idea what the electrified shocks was all about, but Silas come up with this idea they was like little bolts of lightning put through the head of peoples what was crazy to turn 'em back to the real world. The doctors had to make sure the bolts was little enough not to fry the brain, but strong enough to unjumble the confusions. Silas said him and his family went regular to visit Legion and he were always just as peaceful and quiet as could be. They reckoned he were happy since he warn't crying no more. Then on one visit--Legion birthday--they figured he were getting a lot better. He smiled at them and called them by name. Silas said his uncle called him to come close and whispered in his ear. Silas said he said that Silas and all his folks didn't need to worry none. No matter what them doctors did they couldn't hurt him is what he said. Legion were scheduled for what they figured would be his last treatment on the next day. When the family left him, he were sitting there happy as a jaybird. Well, that treatment didn't come together like was planned. Somebody musta moved a dial in the wrong direction or miscalculated the size of the bolt and Legion were turned into man with a cooked brain. After that, when his family visited, he didn't even know they was there.
Tomorrow: Peace at Last
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Neon Bible by John Kennedy Toole - Toole was fifteen when he wrote this little known work.
Tomorrow: Peace at Last
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Neon Bible by John Kennedy Toole - Toole was fifteen when he wrote this little known work.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Old Green Sedan
Well, a lot of the rest of the story of Legion were told to me by his nephew, Silas. Me and him was in school together before I quit and went to grocery bagging. Silas told me his Uncle Legion just couldn't stop crying and sometime he were wailing like a wounded dog. They had to call for help and it come in a old green sedan sent from the state asylum. Three mens--two dressed in white coats and one who looked like a professor--eased Legion into that green car and droved him straight to the hospital up near Jackson. This were in 1947. Silas told me they was gonna try a new treatment on his uncle called electrified shocks. And they did. When Silas and his family went up to visit Legion he warn't crying no more; in fact he warn't doing much of nothing except staring at the wall and smiling real big. The doctors said the treatments was working and they planned do to more until Legion were as good as new. But sometimes things don't work out like they is planned.
Tomorrow: Big Bolt of Lightning
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - The title says it all
Tomorrow: Big Bolt of Lightning
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - The title says it all
Friday, April 8, 2011
Legion Comes Home (Sorta)
Legion come home on a train along with some other soldiers heading north. He were the only one what got off, except for a coffin what they put a flag over when they moved it out. We all said Legion were lucky. But we did not know what we was talking about. His mother had writ him about Lila so there warn't no shock there. But Legions's nerves was something awful. I never knew him to smoke or take a drink but he was doing both all the way home so I heard. He went to live in his old house and took a job at the garment factory where he were a manager before the war. He warn't no manager now and it didn't look like he ever would be any more. They said in church one Sunday where the preacher were telling the Bible story of Legion, the demons, and the pigs running off into the water and drowning Legion fell apart. He couldn't stop crying and they said he cried for days and days.
Tomorrow: Old Green Sedan
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett - You just can't trust some women.
Tomorrow: Old Green Sedan
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett - You just can't trust some women.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Grudge Pregnancy
Let me start off by telling you that Hollis gave me a little lesson about the title of today's post. Like I told y'all I may be ignorant, but I ain't stupid, so if y'all want to know what that term means you'll have to use that google thing. Hollis says it's there. Enough about that. While Legion were fighting over in Italy or somewheres his wife Lila come down with pregnancy. He had been gone for well over a year so it didn't take too long to figure that one out. Legion's mama come over to where Lila were living (Legion's mama and papa was paying the mortgage) and let her daughter-in-law have it. Lila warn't giving no excuses except Legion shouldn't have left her alone in a one-horse town with two young'ns. Mama warn't having none of that. Lila claimed she were being run out of town. Mama said she had run herself out of town and asked what she were gonna do about her children. Lila said they was only half hers and she were gonna leave them with Legion's parents, one of which she were talking to. Well she did take off and we ain't seen her since. Nobody ever knew who the daddy was, but I reckon it didn't matter they was so many choices.
Tomorrow: Legion Comes Home (Sorta)
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout - Short stories, look for Olive in each one.
Tomorrow: Legion Comes Home (Sorta)
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout - Short stories, look for Olive in each one.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Legion Goes Off to College
Legion got a scholarship to play football at the university. We was all glued to our radios ever Saturday during the fall for four years 'cause he started out playing right off and was quarterback in ever game while he were there. When he were finished learning he come home to Harper; and he brung with him a wife. He called her Lila, but he introduced her as Delilah. His grandma, the one what worried about his name bringing bad luck, had passed on. But a bunch of other Harper folks were worried right from the get-go. Some of 'em shuttered ever time Legion showed up with a fresh haircut. Now Lila was all glitter and giggling and the town peoples warn't ever gonna get used to her; we could all see that. I reckon they, Legion and Lila, got on all right cause only six months after they come back Lila had a baby girl. They said they was married over a year ago by a North Mississippi Justice of the Peace; most around here had they doubts. About a year later they was expecting again. But Legion warn't around to see her when she were borned. He were in Italy trying to move out the Germans and save the spaghetti crops. Lila warn't exactly what you call waiting around for him.
Tomorrow: Grudge Pregnancy
Hollis' book read in 2010:
March by Geraldine Brooks - What Mr. March was up to while Marmee and the little women was holding down the home front.
Tomorrow: Grudge Pregnancy
Hollis' book read in 2010:
March by Geraldine Brooks - What Mr. March was up to while Marmee and the little women was holding down the home front.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Grandma's Warning
Legion's grandma on his daddy's side warned them about calling him Legion. She were afraid because it come out of the Bible and were the name of a man filled with demons. But they didn't pay no attention to her 'cause she were always telling the kids not to make faces 'cause they would get froze and would be on them for all their lifes. She wouldn't let them sit in wheelchairs or walk with crutches or even fake a limp 'cause they would be afflicted like that. So they didn't put no faith in what Grandma said. And his name sure didn't seem to matter 'cause he were so good at ever thing he went at. Even with girls. He always had a girlfriend or two with him. I remember how good-looking he were. I always hoped I would have a life just like his.
Tomorrow: Legion Goes to College
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys - Someone should write a book about what was going on in England
while Antoinetta was trying to get there. Oh, they did?
Tomorrow: Legion Goes to College
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys - Someone should write a book about what was going on in England
while Antoinetta was trying to get there. Oh, they did?
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Story of Legion
Today I'm gonna start to tell you about the story of Legion. Legion were a man who lived in Harper back in the 1930's. He started out good. He were named John after his daddy and Legion which were a old family name on his mother's side. John Legion were a real good ball player. He throwed ball long and straight and they made him head pitcher and quarterback. They still got his medals and silver cups in a glass case over in Harper High School. When I were just a little boy he were my hero. Then he went off to school at the university and he come home with a wife. And some wife she were, all shiny and bubbly. At first all the girls in town was jealous of her. It didn't take long before they figured out she were no good. And it warn't more'n a month after they come here that peoples noticed her belly growing. They figured out how she hooked our hero, Legion. Now I have to stop here and tell you Legion's grandma on his daddy's side were scared to death of that name Legion. It come from his mama's side of the family, but grandma knew it from the Bible. That were the guy what Jesus cast the demons out of and sent them into the pigs what run into the lake and drowned.
Tomorrow: Grandma's Warning
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Wings of the Dove - You might as well marry for money
Tomorrow: Grandma's Warning
Hollis' book read in 2010:
The Wings of the Dove - You might as well marry for money
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Fishing With Willie
Me and Willie ain't been fishing in a while cause of all this reunion stuff and all our out of town guests. It were good to get back in the boat and drift around Harper Lake. We warn't excited about catching nothing; if something bit good enough, if something didn't that were okay too. In fact, we both landed a good number of fishes during our stay on the lake. But most important we had a chance to talk, since we ain't seen each other in a while. Back when me and Willie were school kids we had to go to different schools.
That's because me and him warn't the same color. Now-a-days that don't matter. But since we had the kind of situation we did, Willie didn't know a lot of the peoples at the reunion I went to. I warn't a class member neither but I still knew a bunch of 'em. I had a good time telling Willie about the goings on over the last week. While we was out there Willie reminded me about this fellow who used to live in Harper. His name was Legion. And just like the Bible story he were filled with demons.
Tomorrow: The Story of Legion
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Sons and Lovers - Mama don't allow no kissing girls around here
That's because me and him warn't the same color. Now-a-days that don't matter. But since we had the kind of situation we did, Willie didn't know a lot of the peoples at the reunion I went to. I warn't a class member neither but I still knew a bunch of 'em. I had a good time telling Willie about the goings on over the last week. While we was out there Willie reminded me about this fellow who used to live in Harper. His name was Legion. And just like the Bible story he were filled with demons.
Tomorrow: The Story of Legion
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Sons and Lovers - Mama don't allow no kissing girls around here
Saturday, April 2, 2011
We Go Visit Dorothy's Mama
Me and Dorothy went to visit her mama at the perfume palace. I ought not to call it that cause they do try to keep the smell down with this spray, but it seems like to me that makes it worse.. Dorothy's mama were worse if you can believe it. She's hooked up to tubes which is hooked up to machines and it looks like she ain't long for this world. I don't reckon I know what Dorothy's gonna do when her mama passes on. I reckon I'll have to take more care of her. On the way home we passed a lot of beautiful flowers. Dorothy taken some pictures and I'm gonna get Hollis to put them up for y'all to see. May not get it up in time before he posts, but come back later to see them.
Tomorrow: Fishing with Willie
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Someone Knows My Name - Crawling from slavery to prestige
Tomorrow: Fishing with Willie
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Someone Knows My Name - Crawling from slavery to prestige
Friday, April 1, 2011
Settling Down in Harper
Well, the company is all gone, the reunion is over, and most of the festivities about azaleas is come to a close. We is just settling back down to our quiet life here in Harper. I got up at 5:30 this morning, took my shower (it gets longer and longer because I enjoy it more ever day,) and headed over to Dorothy's cafe for my breakfast. Like I told y'all before Dorothy knows what to fix me and it were ready when I walked in the door. Things around Harper works like clock work. Me and Willie is going fishing tomorrow, but today I just sat outside the bus station and whittled till noon. That when we eat what we call dinner. Supper comes at 6 PM. I got so busy thinking while I was whittling I just ended up with a toothpick. I do that a lot when I is consecrated on something other than what I'm doing with my knife. One day I stared whittling a Irish Settler and ended up with one of them choo-wah-wahs. Yeah things is getting back to what they all way is.
Tomorrow: We Go Visit Dorothy's Mama
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Off Magazine Street - Getting a good education does not necessarily mean you're going to have a good life.
Tomorrow: We Go Visit Dorothy's Mama
Hollis' book read in 2010:
Off Magazine Street - Getting a good education does not necessarily mean you're going to have a good life.
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