Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jasper Jackson's Trees

I come by Jasper Jackson's house this morning on my way to town to get one of my saws what were getting worked on. I seen trees across Jasper's drive and stopped my truck and walked up the drive to where Jasper's house is. I ain't all that far but I did have to climb over 3 or 4 downed trees. Jasper and them boys was sitting on the front porch. They was talking about how bad things was for them. I offered them the use of a saw or two to help 'em out of their troubles. I told them one the boys could ride in with me and they could use the saw what I just got fixed. Jasper said he didn't reckon he'd take me up on that deal. He said last time they had trees down some folks from the county come in an sawed 'em up for them. He figured if he didn't take advantage of that service it would be lost forever. He said he reckoned they may see they warn't needed any more and could quit those kinda projects. He said he just wouldn't feel right refusing their good intentions. I reckon he's right, besides think of all the flies that would be spared if he warn't sitting on his porch with his swatter; flies what would multiply and produce more flies than we could handle. I reckon Jasper does have some use.

Hollis' book of the day:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey - Shocking, shocking.

Reminder: Mississippi in the Park - Chastain Park - Atlanta - Saturday, June 25 - 10:30AM to 3:30PM
                  www.mssocietyofga.org    Check it out

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