Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Friday, April 15, 2011

A TV Personality

We had a TV person what moved here a few years ago. He come from Louisiana and his show were about cooking. Dorothy always watched him and I liked a lot of the cajun jokes he told. Dorothy taken some of his recipes and served them in her cafe. They was mostly crawfish dishes.
Me and Willie is good at trapping crawfish. There is two important things to remember: know where they is and know what they likes to eat. As far as the first part we been catching bunches of crawfish at the same half a dozen places for years. And the bait has to be right. Don't even think about using catfish, beef, or chicken. They ain't gonna go for that. Use oily fish like salmon, cod, and shad. Their heads is good, but they need to be fresh or at least frozen until you are ready. We put our catch in a 10 gallon drum and when that is full we get another. Some days we may bring home six or seven drums.
Them things is live in there and you gotta use gloves to fool with 'em. They need to be live when you drop them in the boiling water. Ugh.
Tomorrow: Crawfish Dishes

Hollis' book read in 2010:
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf - If you're wondering what a character based novel is....

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