Me and Hollis is in Florida for a wedding. It's for Laura Jean, my sister's great granddaughter, who is marrying a man from Boston, Massachusetts. He's a yankee, but seems like a nice fellow. He never were taught to say words right, like he don't say r's when he's supposed to (car to him is caa) and he says them where they ain't (Cuba is cuber and Africa is Africer.) And I'm the one who he thinks talks funny. I told him Jimmy Carter were the first president without a accent. He said, "Huh?" So I figured it warn't worth the effort. Anyway we is here and all excited about the wedding. It's gonna be on the beach. I reckon if I can do my churching on the shore of Harper Lake, they can get married proper with the waves of the Gulf of Mexico slapping on the beach. The wedding is tomorrow.
Hollis favorite quote of the day:
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." - Charles W. Eliot
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