Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Mountain

Wilkie told me he seen A Mountain. I told him I had saw a whole bunch of mountains, but he claimed this mountain were named A Mountain and also Sentinel Peak. I reckon they couldn't make up their mind or they had a tie vote in a counsel meeting. Like when Ole Miss warn't put on the Gulf Coast 'cause of just one vote. I reckon that ain't like the mountain thing at all, but you get what I mean. Now this A Mountain is called that because the University of Arizona kids paint a big "A" on it ever year. I can tell Wilkie and Betty Faye is having a good time, but they is having a hard time getting used to the climate. Y'all probably know it's real dry out there. I mean like if somebody hung a washing on a clothesline, by the time they got to the end they could start gathering up. That's what they call low humility. It didn't work out too good for Wilkie when he went in swimming and turned plumb purple (or I guess I could say plum purple) 'cause he dried off so fast. A woman by the pool wanted to call a ambulance for him but his color (if you want to call white a color) come back before she could find her cell phone. It were in her purse you know.
Hollis' book of the day:
Night by Elie Wiesel - He stayed with his father as long as he could.

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