Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Sunday, May 8, 2011


It seems like we always had to have popcorn when we was at the picture show and that made us thirsty so we had to have a Coke too. This cost a total of ten cents if we just got a bag of popcorn. A box were ten cents by itself. We had a boy what walked around during the movies with bags and boxes to sell. He never had much trouble making change cause almost nobody had a dollar bill. We all respected this boy cause he had spending money made from his work. Later on he were on the high school football team and got a scholarship to college somewhere out west, Montana I think. I reckon he seen so many cowboy picture shows he wanted to go where they was at.

Hollis' book of the day:
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink - Hepatitis leads to affair with older woman leads to discovery of a hideous crime which took place during Nazi control of Germany.

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