Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Saturday, May 14, 2011


The weather turned out real good for the wedding on the beach. It were a beautiful ceremony and afterward we all went back to a area what had a tent set up. They served crab cakes, conch fritters, and boiled shrimps. And that were just to warm us up. We had a real good supper, the kind what you walk through a line and pick out what you want. They offered salad, roasted vegetables, roast beef, chicken, and grouper. I had some of each. Then after the bride and groom danced they let ever body get on the dance floor. They wanted me to dance and I told them I couldn't do nothing but jitterbug. And you know what they knowed some old songs and I reckon there warn't no way out for me. So I danced. With several womens (not at the same time.) Ever body what warn't dancing crowded around and clapped and yelled out, "Go, Harvey Lee, go." It were something else.

Hollis' quote of the day:

"Tradition is a guide and not a jailer."
-       W. Somerset Maugham

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