Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Seems like there is always been a need for a place to keep peoples what has gone crazy. In Mississippi the place is called Whitfield. Since I were a little kid I have heard peoples say to somebody what was acting a little strange, "If you keep acting that way they gonna send you to Whitfield." I reckon ever state has a place like that 'cause in Georgia I heard somebody say, "You ought to be in Milledgeville." Well, Mary Lou ended up in Whitfield. That's where she were when she died in 1974. Graham were able to get a divorce 'cause of her mind problems and he and Marlyss got hitched. They moved in together in Marlyss' farmhouse. Graham set the mynah bird free and I reckon it got ate up by some animal in the woods. It couldn't talk its way out of that, doncha know. The marriage of Graham and Marlyss lasted about five years till she move out and left him living in her house. Somebody said the reason it didn't last were she found out Graham were just Clark Kent and never were anything at all like the Superman she were looking for. Marlyss moved off somewheres up North and we never heard no more of her. From then on Graham lived a lonely life. He died sometimes in the 80's. It were over a month before they discovered his body sitting in his easy chair. The television were still on.

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