Now I know we all need to be thankful and with Thanksgiving coming up I hope we all will be. But there are somethings that's bad to be thankful for. Like this old uncle of mine, Uncle Tulley, what died back in the 1920's. He were powerful mean, so they say, and hardly nobody liked him. He were known to shoot a dog just for sport and he treated his wife and kids real mean. Well when he were pretty old he taken sick and were lying in his bed for weeks. Peoples said he were just to mean to die (that's the story what were handed down.) He finally did pass on and as the word spread through out the county of his departure, peoples got on horseback and rode around the countryside beating on drums or washtubs and blowing bugles. Them what did not have musical instruments just shouted. They said peoples rode till the horses couldn't run no more. They yelled till they was too hoarse to yell no more. This is the story what were handed down and I reckon it's true. What I do know is I've heard all the womens in my family, my mother and her sisters, when ever they was upset with their husbands say, "You acting just like your old Uncle Tulley." So I reckon it's true.
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