One thing I learned real early on are not to even try to guess the age of a woman. Mens don't care too much but womens is real sensitive when it come to how old she is. The reason I'm even thinking about all this are the fact that I had a man, a tree surgeon, come out yesterday to figure out how old this old pecan tree might be. If you go across the lake to the other side you can see the top of this old tree sticking up above the other ones. And it's a big around as any pecan tree I ever seen. The man said he were reasonably sure the tree are over four hundred year old. Why, that were around the time the pilgrims was having the first Thanksgiving Day feast. I ain't sure the age this tree doctor come with are right, but I would like to believe it are. I don't know if there are boy trees and girl trees, but I figure if there is, this pecan tree are a man tree, the way it stand so tall and proud of it age, doncha know?
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