My momma and daddy had to pay a grocer bill twice during the depression. They had throwed away a receipt. Needless to say they never throwed away another one as long as they lived. Kinda like that thing, I think it were Mark Twain what said it, about a cat what sat on a hot stove and never sat on another hot stove again. Or a cold one either. Well I reckon I were kinda taught to be a hoarder, but Dorothy are just the opposite. She wants to get shut of ever thing what ain't got no use no more. Today they was offering free shredding down to the Methodist Church, a keep the county clean movement, doncha you know? Dorothy kept after me and I taken about six box loads of old letters, checks, and receipts down to get cut up. I stood there and watched till ever one were gone. On the way home I felt the loss. It were like a slice of my brain had been put through them blades. I know it don't really matter much, but old things what was taught to us is hard to get past.
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